• Witchiness

    Why Do Wiccans Do Rituals in Circles?

    Although we’ve all seen the popular horror movie trope of occultists drawing magical circles on the floor to protect themselves from demons and other nasties—a great example is the movie The Devil Rides Out, if you’re interested—the circle in Wiccan rituals demarcates sacred space…

  • Witchiness

    Pentacles and Pentagrams: What’s the Difference?

    A pentagram is a five-pointed star, usually depicted as interwoven, or with the lines used to draw it overlapping. A pentacle is a pentagram with a circle around it. Pentagrams and pentacles have long been symbols of protection and warding off evil, and…

  • Witchiness

    Fire in the Belly

    Sergeant Howie: But they are…are naked! Lord Summerisle: Naturally! It’s much too dangerous to jump through fire with your clothes on! —The Wicker Man I’ve come to think of Imbolc not as a fire festival so much as the festival where we set…